According to the International Edition Guinness Book of Records 1981-2000, Harry Schultz is the highest paid investment consultant in the world fetching anywhere from 3500 to 4500 dollars per hour.
Schultz is quoted on a regular basis in various financial books, articles and in interviews including other newsletters. The book, ‘Moneychangers’ by Lewis Dorsey is based upon Schultz.
You can subscribe to his gold stock newsletter on an 8 month trial or for one year or two or four years. Subscription is by credit card and you can nominate either the Newsletter be sent by air mail, email, fax, air mail and email or airmail and fax.
8-month trial - Air Mail - US $284There are other options for subscription as well.
8-month trial - Email - US $284
8-month trial - Via Fax - US $379
8-month trial - Air Mail and Email - US $348
8-month trial - Air Mail and Fax - US $444
1-year rate - Email - US $382
1-year rate - Air Mail - US $382
1-year rate - Via Fax - US $515
1-year rate - Air Mail and Email - US $474
1-year rate - Air Mail and Fax - US $601
2-year rate - Email - US $654
2-year rate - Air Mail - US $654
2-year rate - Via Fax - US $787+$133 per year
2-year rate - Air Mail and Email - US $746+$92 per year
2-year rate - Air Mail and Fax - US $873+$219 per year
4-year rate - Email - US $1172
4-year rate - Air Mail - US $1172
4-year rate - Via Fax - US $1305+$133 per year
4-year rate - Air Mail and Email - US $1264+$92 per year
4-year rate - Air Mail and Fax - US $1391+$219 per year
The HS Newsletter covers gold stocks as well as gold mining and related issues,
A sample issue had the following as the contents list:
1984There are also other articles on line and investment information, testimonials, gold stocks and gold mining, currency issues for example.
Actions to Take in a Nutshell
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Big Picture
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HSL Investment Box
HSL Model Portfolio
Lastly one of the testimonials sums up the Harry D. Schultz Letter this way,
"I wouldn't want to do without Harry Schultz Letter. It's a must for global outlook and investing." Ron Paul U.S. Congressman.
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